Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Guide

Installation Problems

Red X / Sad iPod screen on power up

This normally indicates the iPod cannot read or detect the Hard Drive, in our case the iFlash board.

Possible causes of this are :

  • iFlash board not installed the right way.
  • HDD ribbon not fully inserted in the iFlash board or iPod end.
  • Faulty HDD ribbon.
  • Bad SD card – try removing any SD card(s) to see if that changes anything.

Each iFlash product page has an Installation tab, which has a photo guide with instructions on how to install the board.

I get the Restore Screen/Folder icon on the iPod but error when trying to restore

Errors trying to restore the iPod can be caused by several things. These can include hardware related problems, software drivers, and iTunes related.

First thing to check is that iPod and the iFlash board are communicating ok. We do this by entering the iPod diagnostics and checking the hard drive parameters are correct.

5g/6g/7g iPod Videos / Classics

Hold down Menu+Select until the iPod resets

Quickly hold down Left+Select until the iPod enters the diagnostics mode

Navigate : Manual Tests / IO / Harddrive / HDSpecs

4g iPod Color / Photos

Hold down Menu+Select until the iPod resets

Quickly hold down Left+Select until the iPod enters the diagnostics mode

Navigate : IO / Harddrive / HDSpecs

3rd Gen iPod

Hold down Menu+Play/Pause to reset iPod

Quickly switch to holding down Backward+Forward+Select for several seconds, then release – iPod should beep and enter diagnostics

Press Forward button till you get to HDD Scan and press Select – this should say PASS if everything is installed ok.

If everything is connected correctly the HDSpecs screen will show you the iFlash platform information for SD based boards or the mSATA/M2 drive model, and the size of storage (in 512 byte sectors LBA) and the serial number of the drive.

If the screen shows any corruption like missing or corrupt characters more than likely there is a problem with the HDD ribbon – so inspect or replace that.

HDspecs data and diagnostics look ok

Once we have confirmed the iPod is connected to the iFlash and storage devices correctly, we can now check that the computer can read and write to the iPod.

Place the iPod in to diskmode by doing the following:

4g/5g/6g/7g iPod Videos / Classics / Photo / Color

Hold down Menu+Select until the iPod resets

Switch to holding down Play+Select until iPod enters diskmode

Connect USB lead to iPod and computer

3rd Gen iPod

Hold down Menu+Play/Pause to reset iPod

Quickly switch to holding down Forward+Play/Pause until iPod enters diskmode

Connect USB lead to iPod and computer

The iPod ‘drive’ should appear on the computer. Close iTunes if it automatically starts.

On Windows machines, the iPod will appear in the file explorer – if it does not it is possible that no drive letter has been assigned to it. Locate Disk Management, and assign driver letter to the iPod device.

Now you can format the iPod ‘drive’ and check you can read/write to it correctly. You may need to use an 3rd party disk formatter if windows is not able to format to full capacity of the iPod.

On MACs the iPod drive can be found in the disk utility. Here you can delete/partition/erase and reformat the iPod – you can either format to FAT32 or MAC OS extended (Journaled).

Check that you can read/write to the iPod drive. Open iTunes and attempt restore, if this does not work – eject the iPod, disconnect from the computer, and reset the iPod – then reconnect to the computer and try again.

Post Install Problems

After restoring iPod only shows 127GB / 128GB or 137GB

This is due to having an 6th Gen iPod Classic. These are the metal faced units which came in 80GB / 120GB and a thicker 160GB capacity.

The Apple OS on these devices operates LBA28 addressing which limits access to 127GiB total storage.

Check your model number here :

After restoring iTunes does not sync anything to the iPod

The latest version of iTunes by default do not sync anything to a newly restored iPod.

You need to click on the iPod icon on the main iTunes screen. Under the larger iPod icon is menu of various media types – enter each one and select what you want synced to the iPod.

Finally click on Apply and Sync. iTunes will apply these settings every time that iPod is connected.

After syncing and ejecting, the iPod shows no music OR needs restoring again

This can have two causes. Fake / Bad SD cards or your iTunes is too large for the iPod.

Most common cause will be bad or fake SD cards. Using an external card reader test each SD card using a program like H2Testw (or F3 on MACs). Confirm that SD card performance matches manufacturer specs and there are no read/write crc errors.

Syncing 1000 tracks works ok but when I sync 4000/5000/7000/XXX tracks everything goes wrong

This is the same problem as the question above, fake or bad SD cards are the most common cause of this. Test cards as described above.

My iPod 5g / 5.5g Video just hangs on the lit Apple logo forever!

The iTunes library is too large for the iPod, you will need to remove some tracks for the iPod to be able to boot.

All is not lost follow the advice above to put the iPod in to diskmode, and once connected to the computer – iTunes will access the iPod normally, where you can remove some tracks to reduce the library size on the iPod.

Other symptoms of iTunes library too large for the iPod

Several strange and random symptoms can occur if your library is too large for the iPod to handle, these will include :

  • (5g Video models) Will not sleep, power drain while off
  • Crashes when playing large playlists
  • Sluggish track selection
  • Track skipping during playlist play
  • Sudden reboots

43 thoughts on “Troubleshooting Guide

  1. Alan Mondragon

    I recently started having problems with my iflash Quad iPod, here are the specs:

    iPod (80GB model – MA450LL) – 3000maH Battery
    Songs: 9771
    Capacity: 953GB
    Available: 703GB
    Version: 1.3

    iFlash Quad:
    Slot 1: Sandisk Extreme Plus 512GB Micro SD Card (BestBuy)
    Slot 2: Sandisk Extreme 512GB Micro SD Card (Sold & Shipped by Amazon)
    Slot 3: —–
    Slot 4: —–

    My issue: I’ve been having problems with my ipod freezing when clicking through menus, songs, and even when I try to skip or pause a song. I’ve been able to play a few albums and songs all the way through as long as I leave it alone and only being able to change the volume without it freezing.

    What I have tried: Disconnecting & Reconnecting the ribbon cable, iflash adapter, battery, hold/headphone jack cable, and resetting the ipod (holding menu & play buttons). I also looked at it in disc mode and everything seems fine.

    What I am wondering: Can it be because the 2 micro SD cards aren’t compatible according to the iflash quad list of micro SDs that work?
    I only see Sandisk Extreme (128, 256, 400, and 1TB) cards as compatible but not 512?
    For the Sandisk Extreme plus model I only see the (256) as being compatible ans again not the 512.
    Does this mean that 512GB cards for those models have not been tested? Or outright not work?

    Lastly: I am looking into getting x 2 (Sandisk Ultra 512GB micro SD cards) but again, only the (64, 128, 200, and 400) are on the compatibility list but not the 512GB card, should I just get x2 400GB Sandisk Ultra micro SD cards?

    1. Philip Williams

      I have installed a few iFlash adapters in various iPod models. I am not an expert and here is what I have found to work. I did all the steps you described and what worked for me is to connect the the iPod, do a complete (full) format, then do a full restore. One other item I have discovered is that the iPod has a limit as to the number of ‘things’ you can put on the iPod. I only have music on my iPod, I found that the max number of songs I can put on it and address is somewhere around 65,000. that works out to around 512GB storage. One terrabyte is overkill for the iPod. Now, if you have podcasts, movies and other large items, one TB might be fine. If you only have under 10,000 songs, 128GB will be more than enough.

    2. Philip Williams

      Something else I noticed – You are using over 256GB of storage. One of my iPods has 320GB of storage with 25,000 songs and only 160GB of storage used. My iPod is set up using a PC (not a Mac)

      What format are your songs stored with? are you using iTunes ?

    3. Alan Mondragon

      @Philip Williams

      I am using iTunes, the file format is .alac (apple lossless). I import my audio directly from CDs and into my iPod. I have about 273.66 GB of music in my itunes according to my “About This Mac”. Additionally, I use a 2018 Touchbar Macbook Pro and did no formatting on the micro SD cards because I read that they should be fine without reformatting.

      Could some of the memory be wasted putting album artwork that is 1000 x 1000 in size and the ID tags like “composer”, album artist” etc.?

      When you say “do a complete (full) format, then do a full restore.” do you mean reformatting my micro SD cards into FAT32 From ExFat? (if not already) and deleting everything from my iPod?

    4. Philip Williams

      I tried to see if there is a difference in size between apple lossless and AAC ( I use AAC ). I only found that there might be a difference in sound quality – very subjective. By a full format – there is a quick format, which only sets up and clears directories, VS a full format – which actually writes something to every sector on the device. A quick format takes less than 10 seconds VS a full format which could take over an hour, depending on size. The full format will test every sector on the card.

      I get artwork as big as I can find – I don’t think there is a significant difference is size being used.

      You could try to a quick format and see if that works, Then do a restore. There is an area on the micorSD cards that the iPod uses, it is not seen by the format process. Kinda like BIOS on your PC. Once that gets messed up the microSD card can be used on a PC, but the iPod will have problems with it ( the red X ) As a guess – this puts the iPod software in a different location on the microSD cards.

      One of my iPods with a iFlash adapter is doing a reset every now and then while just going through the menu options. I plan on restoring the ipod sometime this week. I have done this in the past and have been successful

      I am not an expert with the iflash adapter, but I have done around 20 conversions with mostly successful results. Sometimes the iFlash adapter could be at fault.

      When I get a chance I will rip a few CDs using the different formats .

      The biggest iPod I use is 528GB and has 59,000 songs on it – there is still room for more, but I will exceed the iPod capacity for addresses before I fill the iPod.

    5. Philip Williams

      I do a full format on any new microSD card prior to putting it in the iFlash adapter. When I build the iPod and connect it to iTunes for the first time, I get a message the the unit has to be formatted before use. I only do a quick format at this time. A lot of the steps I do do not make any logical sense, but I have found when I do them I have fewer problems.

    6. Philip Williams

      I set up a new iTunes on a backup PC I have. There were no files or anything in the iTunes library. I copied 3 CDs to the library using AAC and error correction.
      that resulted in 184MB

      I then uninstalled iTunes and deleted the iTunes library, I reinstalled a new copy of iTunes
      I copied the same 3CDs using apple lossless
      that resulted in 1.29GB Which is roughly 7 times larger
      Now I understand why your library is so large, It also would make sense why 1TB on an iPod would be ok.

  2. John Faux

    Ive done 3 conversions now, two quad and one dual adapter, all with success, ( ipod gen5) but only following several hours of random problems each time, from locking itunes up, to getting stuck in restore cycles, the device not appearing in windows/itunes at all, having apple error messages, re formatting cards, re fitting ribbon cables etc It has been difficult for me to know why I had so many random setbacks before finally working perfectly, So Im wondering, I dont usually close the metal back up before Im sure all is working – because of the difficulty of opening the back- is it possible that the wire mesh in the bottom of the case has some sort of grounding function, and this is what give me such random problems?

  3. Philip Williams

    I have a few iFlash quad adapters and I get a red X with certain MicroSD cards.

    I know the quad works OK because with a ‘good’ MicroSD I can do a restore to the iPod

    The MicroSD cards that do not work – I can format them in file explorer, copy files to them and they appear to work OK.

    I can format them in disk management, I can clear them using EaseUS software and all seems fine.

    It is like there is some bit that is turned on (or off) that the iPod looks at and says – no go

    do you have any idea how to fix this?

    1. Philip Williams

      One other item with microSD cards – there are some that are not ‘real’ from SanDisk being sold on ebay. This is also true of other brands – so – be careful and buy from a known dealer……
      there are various apps available where you can test the card for speed and if all the segments are good.

  4. Kris

    Hi, I’ve just installed the iFlash quad into my 6th gen 120gb classic. I’m getting the red x upon boot but I’m not sure what the issue is.

    I’m using the SanDisk ultra 128gb card (formatted to FAT32) from the user reported list, and I’ve also tried the PNY Elite from that list, along with other cards – and I always get the same result.

    I have definitely pushed the hdd ribbon in far enough and if I put the original hdd back in, the iPod boots which makes me think it isn’t the ribbon cable (I have ordered one anyway to be on the same side!).

    I’m at a loss for what to try next!!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Nick Hariri

    Hi, I just added an iFlash Quad card to my 7th Gen late 2008 iPod with a 400GB MicroSD card from Sandisk in USD1 but iTunes sets it to 137GB instead of 400GB. I have formatted the card in my Macbook and it shows and formats as 400GB but as soon as I put it back in the iFlash card it restores to 137GB. Any ideas why it’s not recognised as 400GB?

  6. Bokie

    So I’ve been having issues, I have a ATA1 chip for my iPod 3rd Gen. and I’ve been having issues with it all long.. I’ve put a 32GB SD card (authentic because I bought it in person at BestBuy).
    And my issue is that, iTunes technically reads my iPod. It shows up as “new iPod” but whenever I try to restore it. iTunes can never restore it for whatever reason..

    I’ve tried putting it in disk mode and it’ll show “do not disconnect” but moment you click restore it disappears from iTunes forever.. and nothing else pops up. Just get stuck on do not disconnect. If you unplug it it goes “please disconnect” with a checkmark end if you replug it the whole cycle repeats.

    My iPod cannot boot by itself it gets folder with explanation mark. If anyone knows how to fix this or get iPod to work properly on iTunes would be great! I’ve fixed other iPods but this 3rd Gen has been causing me problems.. no matter what sd card I use same results. It’s formatted in exfat but I’ve tried Mac OS journaled too..

    1. Victoria

      I had this issue as well – the issue is that you cannot restore these iPods over USB on a Mac. You either have to do so from a Windows machine or restore over FireWire. For some reason, the Finder on macOS Catalina and up fails to display this error when you press the restore button.

  7. marc

    hi fellow modders im in need of some help.
    i have 5th gen 60gb video ipod PA147
    my ipod seems to be stuck in a bootloop. so im unable to get any charge in the battery. so ive replaced the battery.
    with my old HD installed im unable to get it into disk mode all i can git it into is the diagnostic mode
    so i purchased the iflash quad, but i get no power ive looked at the guides my power ribbon is all the way in. battery is reconnected. but nothing.
    anyone else had this issue?

  8. Mighty Jabba

    Does anyone have any input on the effect that videos have on total iPod storage capacity? Everything I have found (including the numbers above) refer to the total number of songs, but from my limited testing, the number and/or size of videos can have a major effect on whether an iPod will be usable or not.

    I recently set up a 7th gen iPod with an iFlash Dual and two 256GB cards. They are reconized as one 512GB disk and I can sync files to it just fine. But when I attempted to sync all of my music and videos to the iPod I ran into trouble. The sync appeared to finish without a hitch, but I noticed that the “OK to disconnect” screen remained on the iPod for much longer than usual (maybe a couple of minutes). Then when I went in and tried to play a video, the iPod crashed and after that it wouldn’t boot past the Apple logo and also wasn’t recognized in iTunes. I had to reformat. I had around 21,000 music files (around 160GB) and around 2,600 videos (TV shows converted from DVD totaling around 250GB).

    1. Mighty Jabba

      To follow up on my previous comment, I think the issue was that I was syncing my entire library, including a lot of smart playlists. When I started over and just copied the same music and video files to iPod without the playlists, it seemed to work okay.

  9. Johann Wilhelm

    Finally, I got my 6th Gen iPod running.

    If you have firmware version 1.01, it will not work!
    You have to get an HDD, recover&update the iPod, and then do the mod.
    With the latest (1.21 IIRC) there are no problems and everything’s fine.
    Updating even with works with iTunes running in an VM, BTW 🙂


  10. Johann Wilhelm


    I tried everything in your guides.

    The HDspecs data seems good for all 3 tested cards (1 Sandisk Ultra 64GB, 1 128GB Samsung Evo and 1 16GB Samsung Evo; the last one is full-sized – the others in various adapters ).

    I tried iTunes in a Windows 10 VM which gives me an error 1439 during updating/restore of the iPod.
    Formatting is not possible. Windows does not recognize the storage size.

    Linux gives me following:
    [ 4491.037257] usb 1-12: new high-speed USB device number 29 using xhci_hcd
    [ 4491.177992] usb 1-12: New USB device found, idVendor=05ac, idProduct=1261, bcdDevice= 0.01
    [ 4491.177998] usb 1-12: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
    [ 4491.178002] usb 1-12: Product: iPod
    [ 4491.178005] usb 1-12: Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
    [ 4491.178008] usb 1-12: SerialNumber: 000A27001332F7A8
    [ 4491.179507] usb-storage 1-12:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
    [ 4491.182302] scsi host8: usb-storage 1-12:1.0
    [ 4492.191371] scsi 8:0:0:0: Direct-Access Apple iPod 1.62 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
    [ 4492.191983] sd 8:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg4 type 0
    [ 4492.195801] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] 3911426 4096-byte logical blocks: (16.0 GB/14.9 GiB)
    [ 4492.196072] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Write Protect is off
    [ 4492.196077] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Mode Sense: 68 00 00 08
    [ 4492.196271] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn’t support DPO or FUA
    [ 4492.209049] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] tag#0 FAILED Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE cmd_age=0s
    [ 4492.209057] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] tag#0 Sense Key : Medium Error [current]
    [ 4492.209063] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] tag#0 Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error
    [ 4492.209069] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] tag#0 CDB: Read(10) 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00

    So it seems to me, the card is somehow recognized but not accessible through the iFlash Solo adapter.

    Any further hint how to get this working?

    The iPod is 6th Gen with firmware version 1.01.


  11. James Charles Brewer

    Just installed Iflash quad, I’ve moded over 50 ipod so fare with limited issue but his one lead me to believe it’s a bad Iflash..I have 256gb Sandisk micro sd, I pod boots to restore screen but Itunes fails to restore. I had already deleted partition/repartition, rebuilt MBR. Once the sd card is in the ipod, windows says the capicity is 1.24TB…I then tried with another 256 card same issue, when in the Iflash Quad, in the Ipod 5.5 the computer shows it to be 1.24TB…Both of these cards work fine in other modded ipods…the only thing i can think of is that the ipod is telling the computer it has 256gb cards in each slot…but thats not the case, its a single 256gb card in the slot 1

  12. Christopher

    Further to my last post, my PC now recognises the iPod under “Disc Drives” as “Apple Ipod USB device” and it looks like it is also recognised as a “portable device”, listed as a “WPD FileSystem Volume Driver”.

    Can anyone help?

  13. Chris

    I’ve managed to get the ipod into disc mode and connect it to my PC.
    I’ve also looked at the diagnostic mode – under Manual Tests / IO / Harddrive / HDSpecs…. there is nothing displayed.

    Would that then indicate there is an issue with the HDD ribbon?

  14. Mariusz

    I have just installed iFlash-Quad with one Sandisk 256GB micro SDXC card into my iPod and it recognizes only 127GB. I’ve checked iPod version in the service mode menu and it is MA448 (iPod 5.5th gen), so addressing issue (LBA28) is not the case. Shall I suspect SD card (fake?), or could it be something else? Card was prepared according to your guidelines (in AOMEI soft) and it was reported as 256GB after process completion.
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Mariusz

      I can answer to myself now 🙂 I had to be sure before I post this information. My problem was connected to battery. It looks like I could not start iPod due to a dead battery. It was able to start in disc mode and also in service mode, but only when it was connected to power supply. It was impossible to start iPod in normal mode. It was going in constant rebooting state. I have ordered 3000mAh battery and I was waiting for its arrival patiently. I got it and everything works fine now 🙂 Also putting iPod in disc mode and then connecting to PC helped to recognize it in proper capacity. Now I need to order three more microSD cards and enjoy my monster iPod. Big thanks to iFlash for giving second life to an old friend!

    2. Hannibal

      Hi Mariusz. Your bumping into the Apple limitation on the 5/6Gen Classic. If you want to expand beyond 128G you need either a 7th Gen or you need a new bootloader (Rockbox).

    3. Dave the Rave

      In reply to Hannibal, 5th gen ipods do NOT have the same addressing limitation as 6th gen ipods (limited to 128GB). Mariusz had already addressed this in his comments.

  15. Bob

    Has anyone had issues with the headphone jack not working after install? I have installed 2 drives and the jack has ceased to function in each ipod.

    1. Support

      @Bob – The iFlash board has no impact on the headphone jack – your issue is going to be failed audio ribbon to the headphone jack/hold switch, or the ribbon is not fully mated in the zif connection, you may have dislodged it while the iPod was open.

    2. Bob

      Thanks. I believe you are correct in that I did some type of damage to the jack. I’m going to take a look at it.

  16. Bill Boucher

    Hopefully some clever soul on this forum can help me.

    It’s my first attempt at upgrading an iPod, and am trying to use an ATA1 in a 4th generation 30Gb photo/colour…but it’s all gone dreadfully wrong.

    Following the instructions on the iFlash website, I’ve removed the original hard-drive, and installed the ATA1, with a 256Gb SDXC UHS-I (U1) 633x Lexar card, which is one of those listed as suitable. I’ve formatted the card fo Fat32.

    However, all I get is the “sad iPod” icon. I can access the diagnostic menu, and everything except the hard-drive seems normal. It’s almost as if the device can’t see the new drive. The hard-drive specs option of the diagnostic menu just gives me the words “Model number:” and nothing else. The R/W test comes back as “FAIL”. For what it’s worth, the hard-drive Smart Scan comes back as “PASS”. I tried replacing the original drive, but that no longer works either.

    I fear that I’ve messed this up somehow. A replacement hard-drive connector cable hasn’t solved the problem, and neither has a different SD card. The ribbon cable seems to be in the ZIF connector as far as it will go.

    As a fan of the original iPods, i was very enthusiastic to try an upgrade, and all the guides and YouTube videos made it look so easy. But it’s just getting me frustrated now.

    Can somebody advise me on how to proceed? Failing that, is there another forum for blundering amateurs like myself?

    I chose the 4th generation as it’s very easy to open, an the ultimate plan was to build upon my experience and upgrade a 5th generation to 512Gb. But as I’ve fallen at the first fence this seems an impossible dream.

    Any ideas as to how I’ve buggered this up?

  17. Ryan

    >After syncing and ejecting, the iPod shows no music OR needs restoring again
    >This can have two causes. Fake / Bad SD cards or your iTunes is too large for the iPod.

    I have hit this problem on a 2nd generation mini and ~210GB of music. < 10,000 songs, using a 512GB SD card. The same iPod had taken the same music library with a 256GB SD card just fine. After some troubleshooting I found it was because I'd reformatted my FAT32 partition to have 64KB clusters (for the added sync speed), instead of 16KB as the default.

    After restoring with iTunes and resyncing, the mini 2nd gen could see the Music again. It can even shuffle the entire library.

    This makes me think that there is a more complicated relationship between the iPod failing and the size of the iTunes database, which potentially includes the and the FAT32 cluster size. Perhaps a larger cluster size uses more memory and leaves less room for the music database? (although a 64KB cluster size should make the FAT table much *smaller*, so not sure why it actually has any effect). Furthermore, my 1st generation mini fails at far fewer songs, yet it has the exact same amount of RAM as the 2nd gen. It cannot utilize a 256GB SD card, while the 2nd generation mini can. This means there is something weirder going on to cause the failure than simply too many songs.

    I would suggest that anyone having issues with the iPod's ability to see music check the cluster size that iTunes chose for the drive, and maybe reformat their FAT32 partition with smaller clusters (like 4KB) and see if that helps.

  18. Anuj

    I have a 5.5 gen (80 GB) thick ipod in which I have installed 4x64GB micro SD cards using iflash quad. It is working fine. I want to move it to 6/7th gen thin case. I think I would need the following:
    A 6th/7th gen metal front face
    A 6th/7th gen metal back housing thin
    A 6th/7th gen middle metal frame
    A 6th/7th gen bottom USB dock bezel (for thin version)
    A 6th/7th gen headphone jack hold switch with flex ribbon cable (for thin version)
    A 6th/7th gen clickwheel center button
    A 5th gen clickwheel with ribbon
    A 5th gen thin battery 2000mAH (compatible with the above mentioned thin case with iFlash quad card)

    Do you think this list is complete? Am I missing anything? Is it even possible to move 5.5 thick to 6/7th thin housing?
    Please help. I would really appreciate any help or feedback on this.

  19. Olly

    Hi, thank you for a very helpful guide. I am experiencing an issue you briefly mentioned – track skipping. My iPod has successfully synced, music playback is fine when it works, but when shuffling through the library sometimes it’ll get to a track and won’t play, it’ll then eventually skip to the next track and keep repeating this behaviour. So far I’ve just reshuffled and this seems to fix it.

    My library is 127gb and the SD card is 128gb, my iPod supports SD cards of this size, but you mentioned the library might be too large. What exactly does this mean/what can I do? And is there anything else to rule out?

    Thank you

    1. Support Post author

      @Olly – First thing to determine, if it is certain type of track causing the skipping. Certain iPods are sensitive to how tracks have been encoded. Next you can reduce the library size on the iPod to see if that cures the issue.

    2. Olly

      Thanks for your response. From what I’ve seen (will verify) it’s not to do with specific songs, it more appears to be an issue with it having played a certain number of songs. Having said this, is there any sort of encoding type I could scan iTunes for? I will try reducing the library size now. Another interesting thing I observed was – it did this a few times, where it would stop playing, and either a reshuffle or a reset, and it the issue would be gone. However in one instance, I reset the iPod and it refused to boot, giving me the ‘this ipod is corrupt, please restore’ error. Does this give any clues? I’m assuming encoding errors probably wouldn’t cause this kind of corruption?


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