iPOD and SDHC – SDXC cards

iPOD and SDHC – SDXC cards


For some time many people have wanted to use my iFlash iPod CF adapter with the new generation of large format SD memory cards. SDHC and SDXC are the new generation of SD cards which are cheaper and have capacities of upto 256Gb and growing.

SDXC 7g and 256Gb PNY

SDXC Installation


7g 256Gb About Screen

7g and 256Gb PNY

Installation is simple, the iFlash is first installed – then install the SD card in to your SD-CF Adapter – finally insert the whole thing in to the iFlash, ready to restore the iPod.

SDHC and SDXC which cards to get

So far all the SDHC and SDXC cards I tested worked ok, so it is looking likely that majority of the SD cards out there will work ok.

In terms of card speed, one user has reported issues playing FLACS with a Class 4 card. I would suggest you want a minimum of a Class 6 card with Class 10 the prefered option.

So far… working and tested in 5g / 6g / 7g iPods

iPod 5g with 256Gb PNY

iPod 5g with 256Gb PNY

The current compatibility list has been moved to the iFlash-Solo product page.


416 thoughts on “iPOD and SDHC – SDXC cards

  1. King Karlos

    I absolutely ADORE my modded 256GB Ipod 7th generation conversion. Works like a charm. 7300 tracks @ 320kbs and barely made a dent (still 176GB free!). I will continue to rip until I can rip no more… I’m using Itunes as a platform and it’s OK (I am aware of itunes limitation/annoyances and I am at peace with this).

    Cost of project:
    2nd hand Ipod off Facebook with slightly clunky HDD – £60
    iFlash QUAD £35
    Acenix 19 in 1 Opening Kit £10
    USB 3.0 SDXC Card Reader (for formatting) £6
    2 x Integral 128gb SDXC U3 Cards (up to 100mbs read speed) £34 (These work like a charm – I may upgrade to 512mb at some point but no need as things stand)
    TOTAL COST = £145 (less salvage value for old HDD)

    Top Tips:
    * Buy more than one opening knife so you can follow each opening point around the ipod.
    * Get a PDF printed on the location of the opening points (available online)
    * Watch a good tutorial on opening the case and then loosening the battery ribbon to gain access to the HDD. Do not break the battery connector from the logic board as mending this is a send away job (micro soldering).
    * Make the sure the HDD ribbon is properly seated in the iFlash Quad.
    * Use the foam spacers provided to prevent rattling.

    Have fun! Thank you iFlash!

  2. Carlos Mondragon

    I have purchased a iPod Classic 6th generation 80 GB, also I purchased the iflash quad and a 512gb Samsung SD card. what this work if I install it on my iPod? I read in the comments that it does work, I have a seller on eBay telling me that it won’t work. Is there anybody that can tell me that it does work? I am new to this.

    1. Peter Mayhew

      hI, I think that there are comments on the main iFlash site that points out that the 6th generation iPod classic (80 & 160 GB will only allow the use of 128 GB of your 512 GB memory. You can use all your memory if you use Rockbox software instead of iTunes but the Rockbox software designed for the 6th and 7th iPod classic is still unstable (see Rockbox site for more info).
      Sell the iPod and buy a 7th Gen (M297 with a serial number that ends in 9ZU or M293 serial number ends in 9ZS) and you can fit your 512 GB memory with no issues. Read the iFlash site info and the Rockbox site thendecide ahich way you want to go. Good Luck.

  3. Ben

    Hi all,
    Just want to add my 2 cents,,
    Using an iFlash Quad, with two “512Gb SDXC Lexar Professional 633x UHS-I (U3)”. Initially, it didnt work. Turns out, have to re seat the ribbon cable and push it, push it, really into the iFlash socket. Then, it started working.

    First fireup of iTunes is awefully slow, maybe bcos its 925.03GB now. Then it started getting much better… Mine is a 5.5Gen iPod classic.

    1. Pete Mayhew

      Hi Ben,
      As you say you have to make sure that the hard drive flexy connector is fitted well into the iFlash or hard drive, if still using it.The issue with the iFlash flexies is that they are very flexible. The original apple connection was stronger and could be pushed in by the ‘shoulders’ on the flex. You can still do this with the iFlash connector as it also has ‘shoulders’ but you have to be very gentle and it will visibly slide into the connector block though you have to make sure you lock it in without it moving. It’s also worth remembering that the original connection flat cable was held in by the connector lock and a strip of sticky to hold it to the mother board and it’s easy to get the iFlash connector stuck on the sticky strip if it didn’t come away with the old apple connector.
      It’s worth re-stating one of Tarkans ‘important must do rules’ when disconnecting the iFlash boards, after trying to get an iPod going, you need to format all your memory cards again before reconnecting the board and restoring the iPod. If you do not do this you may get an ‘unable to restore message’ Error code 1490 i think) and when trying to format the cards the amount of memory supposed to be on the card is often way off. I have had 128GB cards showing only 14GB and I had a 256GB the thought that it was a lot bigger. I have often had to revert to Disk Manager and AOMEI partition manager to repair a memory card. I usually all comes good in the end.

  4. Alexander

    Tell me what the problem is.
    I have 3 players:
    iPod classic 7th Gen 160Gb: MC297
    iPod video 5.5th Gen 30Gb: MA444FB
    iPod video 5th Gen 60Gb: MA147LL
    After installing iFlash -Dual with two cards 256Gb SDXC UHS-I (U3) PNY Elite Performance & 512Gb SDXC Lexar Professional 633x UHS-I (U3), it turned out to be about 700 GB. Loaded on about player iPod video about 500GB about 26000 tracks. And on both players, you skip tracks when you audition. Whatever I ‘m listening to is a 1000-song playlist or just a 10-song album. Some track always misses. I didn ‘t put in the spread, but I put in behind each other. However, there is iPod such problem on the player for classic 7th. He reads all the tracks at once and doesn ‘t wake anything.
    What ‘s the problem and who ‘s come across?

    1. Pete Mayhew

      Just a thought for Alexander and his skipped tracks. It might be worth checking the album on iTunes to make sure that all the tracks for the specific album will play. If you get a circle with a dot in it next to a track that you are trying to play and when you click on the track to play it you get a drop down member asking you to locate the track then this could be your problem. I often have this problem with tracks ‘disappearing’ from my iTunes library and have to check my iPod library in Explorer and iTunes and finding my music list via IPod control. This is usually easy to find in Windows 10 explorer by clicking View in the top menu list and find ‘Hidden Items’ and click in the box and this shows up IPod control in the iTunes folders and the music library is in the iPod control folder. How to find iPod control on other versions of Windows can be found through google.
      Does anyone else know why these tracks disappear from iTunes
      A question from me now. I have just had to change my PC and had a Dell and this one has an 500GB SSD as a ‘C’ drive and a 2TB rotary hard drive called the Data D drive. I had to go for the 2TB drive to hold my iTunes library. The problem is that i have the iTunes software on the ‘C’ drive and use the ‘D’ drive as a remote drive to store my 1.4TB library which seems to work OK except when I try to download to an iPod. I’ve tried 2 iPods with iFlash quads and usually one or more of the SDXC cards has to be reformatted after each attempt to restore. Strangely after reformatting the 2 iPods will restore and download on my laptop and even more strangely other modded iPods will synch or autofill new tracks on the PC without any issues. I’m confused! Does anyone know how best to run iTunes on a PC with an SSD drive and a rotary hard drive. I’m currently using a remote hard drive to hold the iTunes library and this hasn’t made any difference to my problem.

    2. Support

      Problem turned out to be bad/fake Lexar SD cards from AliExpress!!

      Not seen music disappearing from iTunes before, does the user you run under have read/write access the files, and if you re-run the add folder to your library in iTunes, do the missing tracks get re-added?

    3. Peter

      Thanks Master, concerning ‘lost tracks’ when I try and locate the track that will not play I check in iPod control and my music list and often find that the missing track is also missing in my iTunes music database. I have lots of places to find the tracks and mostly I can get them back. However, since recently changing over to my new PC I seem to have lost, possibly, over 2000 tracks out of 46,500 tracks (I’m still checking) and have had to go into my backup, that is on an external drive, and during the process of moving files to my new PC seems to have been the time when tracks went astray. The thought of finding all my CD’s is a daunting task so I might have to bite the bullet as I go through my albums in iTunes and just delete albums that have missing tracks unless I really want them and then I will either find the cd or try downloading from an iPod with no lost tracks.

    1. Peter

      Hi, I used a Sandisk Ultra 128GB inan iFlash quad and the ipod kept failing during the restore process and eventually, by process of elimination, after formatting all the cards in the iflash I found the Sandisk card would not format and I tried every test and check that the internet suggested but eventually had to get in touch with Sandisk via their website and after photographing both sides of the card they paid for it’s return for testing wnd eventual replacement. I have had other Sandisk card which have been good in the iflash but there will always be rogue cards.
      Not sure if this helps with your query unless you are about to use the cards in an iFlash or have an issue with one. I get my cards from MyMemory and often use their own make cards as the 512, 256 and 128GB cards are very reasonably priced and often better when they have special offers on. They are worth a look.

  5. Lauren Glenn

    I had the issue with my iFlash Quad disconnecting from the ribbon cable when it would fall. Simple fix? Electrical tape. Stick it to the back of the device. Simple to remove, simple to reapply. I imagine an SD card would be about the same if taped well.

  6. Zedhed

    @Peter Mayhew
    I’ve replaced many back covers and, like you, have found their fixing points for the jack and lock switch to be juuuuust slightly out. I usually have to resort to filing down the lock switch plastic and/or using longer screws for the jack. Screws taken from old iPod hard drives sort of work for this.

    Which iFlash are you using? In any case, I drop a couple of blobs of hot glue on mine (it can be scraped away if you later need to access the card). Alternatively, just use tape to secure it.

    If your iFlash is a “push to insert / push to release” kind, then maybe the locking mechanism is faulty?

  7. Edee

    Does anyone have suggestions on how to keep the SD card from popping out? My ipod was working fine then all of a sudden it stopped. I reopened the ipod case and notice the card popped out. How can I keep it from popping out again?

  8. Peter

    @Lauren Glenn

    I disagree regarding the 3000mah batteries – the guide to batteries on this site fits with my experience – the largest ones, normally labelled 3000mah, won’t fit with a slim back. What does seem to happen is that sometimes those Ebay sellers from China will send a differently proportioned battery to the ones that usually have that particular capacity claim. In particular sometimes they describe it as ‘3000’ but what they send is the size of one of the ones usually labelled 1900 (which themselves seem to come in more than one size).

    Whether those custom batteries fit with a thin back or not all depends on the exact dimensions of the battery. The capacity they are labelled with or advertised as doesn’t mean much anyway (I think in reality they are all roughly the same capacity, with the largest ones maybe being 10% higher than the smaller ones at best).

    1. Peter Mayhew

      I have also tried a ‘3000 and a 2000 mah batteries in an iPod with a thin back plate and I couldn’t get the back to fit either and you don’t like to try and force things as you’ve already invested too much to ruin things at this point of the build. These batteries fit in the thick back whilst still using the foam pad on the iFlash board. Has anyone else noticed that the fancy U2 gold and black, and probably others, replacement rear covers can be a pig when fitting the headphone socket and hold switch and the fixing points have to be ‘adjusted’to fit. I like using these covers because they don’t have a ‘xxGB’ figure on them so I can have whatever size of memory without trying to find a matching back. The biggest issue on these rear covers is the area around the hold switch which is always raised around the switch hole rather than being flat and the hold switch can only be operated with a finger nail which can be a fiddle when the iPod is in a protective case.

  9. Olly

    Hi,long shot but I’m hoping somebody might have had a similar issue. I have 2 different ipods, both with sd card adapters. SD cards read and work fine separately, they’re recognised when plugged into the ipod and I can start a sync. But every single time I start a sync I get a ‘The IO operation at logical block address 0x3aa1 for Disk 5 (PDO name: \Device\000000a9) was retried.’ error in windows event viewer, itunes locks up and the sync stops. Eventually I have to force quit itunes, this corrupts the disk and then I have to reformat the drive until it’s recognised again. I cannot for the life of my figure out why. The disk shows no bad sectors, dskchk returns nothing and h2testw came back with nothing. I’m running out of ideas so any help would be appreciated.

  10. Zedhed

    Anyone know if it’s possible to convert a 2nd gen iPod (Firewire-only models) to SDXC or CF card? My Googling so far is telling me “No”.

  11. Lauren Glenn

    As an FYI for anyone interested….

    if you buy a 3000mAh battery from eBay sellers in China, these are legit and work GREAT.

    BUT, if you use an iFlash Quad (or probably any other board here that uses micro SD cards), you can fit the 3000mAh battery and the iFlash Quad in the thin backing of the iPod. No need for a thick backing which all sellers say you need.

    That only seems to be true if you’re using the hard drive. The iFlash Quad is so thin, you can have the iFlash Quad and the 3000mAh battery in the thin profile and then all the cases you buy on eBay and such will fit just fine.

    I figured this may be obvious but in case anyone is interested…..

  12. Lauren Glenn

    I concur with Craig. I put in the 512GB Samsung EVO from Amazon (official Amazon seller….) I put it in the unit and it recognized it as expected. I’m not sure if we can go much higher than 2TB due to FAT32 limitations with MBR, but when I get more money, I can go up to 2TB. If you wanted a MicroSD card for your iFlash Quad and can afford the 512GB card for $99 at Amazon, go for it. It will work in the Quad.

    1. Peter Mayhew

      I have recently tried some MyMemory ‘own make’ 512gb sdxc cards in a 7th Generation classic and although not the fastest card on the market they have worked well in the iPod. The card has recently been selling at £69.99 until they offered 10% off but put the cards back up to £74.99 though the 10% off dropped the price back to £67.49 so if you want large amounts of memory at a reasonable price this could be the way to go. (they have a lifetime guarantee which I have had to test with an non-formatting 128GB card and it was replaced without any bother) I used an iFlash quad with 3 x 512gb + 1 x 256gb and got just over 1.6tb which gives me all my iTunes library in lossless form on one iPod. When funds allow I will try 4 x My Memory 512gb cards which should give me 1860gb to play with. This is using the figures 0f 930gb from a Samsung 1tb SSD, don’t start me on how you can use 70gb to control the card.

    2. Support Post author

      For the last few weeks we have been testing the Integral 512GB MicroSD and the Sandisk new A2 class 400GB card – which have all been working great. The Integral was(is?) the cheapest 512GB MicroSD I could find in the UK.

  13. Craig

    I took the risk to try the Samsung 512gb micro SD cards with the iflash quad adapter. They work running stock firmware and 3000mAh battery. So far after a few hours of use all is well, and showing 1907gb available on the about page. But I think the actual storage was in the mid 1850gb range.

  14. Antoine

    I just upgraded a 5.5th gen iPod classic and everything worked out fine thanks to your website. A question remains though: now that the HDD is out the iPod feels empty and the click wheel is not properly maintained against the top of the case, it’s clicky and loose when I use it. What material do you suggest for stuffing the iPod in order to secure every component?
    Thanks, Antoine

    1. Support

      @Antoine – Removing the HDD will not change the fit of the click wheel, as the motherboard and clickwheel are secured to the front case by the internal metal frame, which the HDD does not excert any pressure on.

      Maybe the screw holes which hold the front panel to the metal frame are broken which would cause movement of the click wheel.

      As long as you used the foam pads to secure the iFlash board within the iPod – then nothing should be loose.

  15. Lauren Glenn


    Alright! 🙂 That’s great news.

    Now, I ran into an issue where I thought my drive became corrupted…. :/ So in a rush, I decided to restore the iPod but I forget the steps exactly…. so after a few minutes I realized the step by step to get it to read 2×400, 2×200 = 1.2TB = usable = 1100GB

    * take out each micro SD card and put in a PC with a flash card reader
    * Use DISKPART to clear the disk but make sure you do the following:
    * SELECT DISK ## (replace ## with the one that’s your micro SD card — very important)
    * LIST DISK (do it again JUST to make sure you have the right drive selected and NOT your Windows hard drive)
    * CLEAN
    * EXIT (to exit out of DISKPART)
    Repeat that for each micro SD card. It may not be required but it avoids a lot of issues (at least for me)

    * After that, put your cards into your iFlash Quad… I usually put the 400GB ones first and then the 200s at the end, but I don’t think it really matters.
    * Connect the battery and it will say “Restore to iTunes”
    * Restore in iTunes (chances are, at least in Windows 10, you will get an error when the progress bar hits 50%)
    * Unplug your 30-pin cable and the machine will restart
    * It may say “Connect to Power” but that is because it wants it when doing the firmware update
    * Hold UP and CENTER to restart but once you see the logo, immediately hold DOWN and CENTER to get into disk mode.
    * Use a program called GUIFORMAT to format the drive *exactly* as FAT32 w/ 16384 (Quick format)
    * When that finishes, eject your iPod and manually reset by holding CENTER and UP.
    * The system will finish its firmware update by creating all the iPod folders it needs for iTunes to read it.
    * After this, you should be able to hover over SETTINGS and see 1100MB free 🙂

    (I figured I’d list point by point because chances are either someone will want this or I’ll forget the exact steps …. don’t want to have to figure out the points all over again)

  16. brian

    I have what was originally a 160gb classic now with two SD card replacement….when I listen to over 100 tracks I am in peril of a reboot…this happens at 100…120…112 tracks…any number above 100…any ideas

    1. Zedhed

      Hi Brian
      I had something similar once and it was down to a music file that the iPod couldn’t play even though it was accepted by iTunes. I think it had an odd sample rate or something.

      Also, have you checked the SD cards outside of the iPod? Check for bad sectors and that you can write to the full capacity.

  17. Pommes

    I just wanted to let you know that I upgraded my 7.5 iPod Iflash Quad to 1.08 tb (2*400 +2*200 grey red Sandisk)
    and I didn’t have any problems restoring it in iTunes.

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